Be sure to level them up (first to Level 25, then to level 50), and once there, hunt for the specific berries they need for evolution. Non-Guardians, however, cannot be evolved to Guardians, but any other Mino can be evolved one tier higher. We’ve got a separate strategy guide that covers evolution in depth, but for purposes of this one, you can also evolve Minos to improve their rarity by a notch. These monsters are easier to catch if they’re on their last gasp and therefore unable to put up much of a fight.

The best thing to do is to sap out their health until they’re close to dying before you draw them in with the candy. But we’re talking easy in a relative sense, as you’ll have to lure them with better candies than the common one you usually bring with you. One of the easier ways to find non-common Minos is to go to the islands. You shouldn’t have a problem unlocking the commons, but when it comes to acquiring Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mega, or Guardian Minos, you’ll want to check this brand-new (and relatively quick) Mino Monsters 2: Evolution strategy guide. And just as they are in games of this nature, you’ve got common Minos, as well as rarer ones that are more powerful. It’s a game that draws lots of influence from Pokemon – the monsters and the mechanics thereof – as you can collect monsters (also known as Minos), level them up, evolve them, and have them battle it out in story mode, PvP, and a few other modes. Mino Monsters 2: Evolution is a mobile game that’s been quite popular since its debut on the App Store and Play Store.